I believe it's God's desire for Christians to be the aroma of Christ no matter where we are. "As we are going..." The Great Commission commands us to make disciples by baptizing people and teaching them what Jesus taught. My desire is to see Christians rise up in obedience and be a part of what God is doing all over the world and right here at home. I hope that my stories can be inspiring, uplifting, and challenging to everyone desiring to do something more with their lives.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Under the Shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge

Okay, so I don't technically live under the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge (GGB from here on out).  In fact not much actually lives under the shadows of that bridge, except for some marine life and a few brave souls who don't mind the random spurts of HEAVY fog.  I'm just using the image as a metaphor to talk about my life and ministry for the next couple of years here in the SF Bay area.   Now you're intrigued right?  Well, whenever someone thinks of San Fran, they usually think of that beautiful, red bridge that stretches across the bay, so for my blog, the GGB is representative SF Bay, its culture, and its people.  The shadow represents the darkness and spiritual fog that is over the people here.  It's like having a shadow of darkness on the people here and my job is to help them find the light of our Lord and get out from under that shadow.  Plus, I thought "Stories of life, love, and faith under the shadows of the Golden Gate Bridge" just sounded too catchy not to use! So anyway, welcome to my world via blogging.  I hope that this will serve as a glimpse into what God is doing right here in our own backyard!


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