I believe it's God's desire for Christians to be the aroma of Christ no matter where we are. "As we are going..." The Great Commission commands us to make disciples by baptizing people and teaching them what Jesus taught. My desire is to see Christians rise up in obedience and be a part of what God is doing all over the world and right here at home. I hope that my stories can be inspiring, uplifting, and challenging to everyone desiring to do something more with their lives.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Talk to God Tuesday--Caught in Bondage

Caught in the bondage of sin, people live in darkness, which accounts for why San Francisco is one of American's largest centers for human trafficking.

“Many of San Francisco's Asian massage parlors -- long an established part of the city's sexually permissive culture -- have degenerated into something much more sinister: international sex slave shops.Once limited to infamous locales such as Bombay and Bangkok, sex trafficking is now an $8 billion international business, with San Francisco among its largest commercial centers.  San Francisco's liberal attitude toward sex, the city's history of arresting prostitutes instead of pimps, and its large immigrant population have made it one of the top American cities for international sex traffickers to do business undetected, according to Donna Hughes, a national expert on sex trafficking at the University of Rhode Island.”

Once in California, the women are taken most often to places like L.A. or San Francisco. There, they are forced to hide in massage parlors, basements, etc. where their travel documents are taken and they learn they are to pay off their “debts” as sex slaves. Many are forced to live in brothels and have sex with up to 12 men a day. (These stats are from 2006).
According to a presentation given by Ruthie Kim from Because Justice Matters, the gold rush was the foundation for trafficking in San Francisco. In 1850 their were 7 Chinese women and 4,000 Chinese men. The demand was high. By 1870, there were 3,600 Chinese women and 60% of those women were in the sex industry having been trafficked into San Francisco from China.

Today San Francisco is home to over 100 massage parlours with 70 of those known to be part of illegal activity. In these parlors, a “massage” is not the only thing for sale. With each parlor hosting up to eight women, means that that there were more than 700 Asian sex masseuses working in the SF area.

Did you know that 98% of women in prositution do NOT want to be in prostitution. The lifestyle is not to support their drug and alcohol habit. Their drug and alcohol habit is to help deal with their lifestyle.

75% of women in prostitution have been sexually abused as a child.
“But the scope of sex trafficking in San Francisco is much larger -- women are also forced to work as escorts, outcall girls, erotic dancers and street prostitutes. Women are also placed in "AAMPs" -- Asian apartment massage parlors -- which are little more than apartments rented by traffickers who staff them with one or two sex workers. Business is done by word of mouth, and only customers approved by the owner are allowed in.” (from same website as quote above)

With facts and figures like this, it is hard to look past the huge need for Christians to step up and minister to these women in need. God has big plans for these women. Like Rahab, God can use them to spread His gospel. Can you imagine what a movement of God among the sex trade industry would look like? What a huge defeat of Satan! The sex industry holds so many women and men in bodnage. It is a spiritual battlefield that Satan is controlling. He is robbing those involved of God’s glory in their lives.

Today’s Talk to God moment is this: Pray for the men and women involved in the human trafficking taking place right here at home. Pray that Christians would be the arms of love reaching out to embrace these women.  Pray that God's mercy, healing, and freedom would come to all those involved in this industry.  Pray that a conviction of sin to those Christian men and women that are involved in the sex industry by choice.  Pray for God's love to overflow and wipe away the hate.

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