I believe it's God's desire for Christians to be the aroma of Christ no matter where we are. "As we are going..." The Great Commission commands us to make disciples by baptizing people and teaching them what Jesus taught. My desire is to see Christians rise up in obedience and be a part of what God is doing all over the world and right here at home. I hope that my stories can be inspiring, uplifting, and challenging to everyone desiring to do something more with their lives.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Aren't you scared?"

"We need to watch the news to make sure we aren't in danger."  "Are you sure it's over?  What if another comes?"  "I'm going to start wearing a helmet everywhere I go."  "I have a doctor's appointment on the fourth floor tomorrow, I'm so worried."  "I may have to start wearing a mask so I don't get radiation poisoning."  "I'm going to start taking potassium iodide to counteract that [minute] cloud of radiation headed our way."  "Aren't you scared?"  These are things I have overheard or been asked in the last few days since the devastation in Japan.  Afghan ladies here worried about another tsunami hitting our coast and destroying Fremont (pretty much impossible since we don't live near the ocean).  People are all a-chatter about what ifs.  As if we can control any of this.  What a great time to share my hope and assurance.  I'm not scared about what may or may not happen, today, tomorrow, or any other day.  I know that the God I serve loves me and has promised me eternal life.  I know that I will be with Him forever.  How miserable these people lives must be that constantly have to worry about what may or may not happen to them tomorrow.  It makes me sad to hear them talk about how terrified they are about what will happen.  Not to say that I wouldn't be scared if an earthquake hit, but what can I do, but trust in the One God that says everything will be okay---the One God that says ultimately, He wins over whatever evils this world may bring.  Honestly, I have never been in a situation where I felt truly terrified, so I can't say how I would act or what I would do....but I hope that when all is said and done, I could confidently turn to my God and say "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil."  Please pray for all of those people in the world walking around without any hope.  All those people walking around terrified of what tomorrow may bring.  Pray that the God of peace would speak to their hearts and they would become His child and know that whatever this day would bring, their Heavenly Father loves them and has promised them that in the end, they win!  Pray for conversations during these times.  Pray that all of us would be able to share what hope we have in Jesus Christ.  Also, continue praying for Japan.  Pray for the hearts of the people there to be open to God's word and love.  Pray for the Christians there that they will get so many opportunties to share their hope and peace with this lost and lonely people. 


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