I believe it's God's desire for Christians to be the aroma of Christ no matter where we are. "As we are going..." The Great Commission commands us to make disciples by baptizing people and teaching them what Jesus taught. My desire is to see Christians rise up in obedience and be a part of what God is doing all over the world and right here at home. I hope that my stories can be inspiring, uplifting, and challenging to everyone desiring to do something more with their lives.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Brook Story

I chose to follow Christ at 6 years old.  I believe that I had sinned and fell short of the glory of God.  I know that I deserved death, but was given life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  I was baptized on Easter Sunday when I was 8 years old.  I believe that I became a Christian when I was 6, but that God continues to grow and teach me even today.

I am currently single.  Though I have a desire to get married one day, I know that my calling does not depend on a man, and neither does my obedience.  I have found that God has so many things to do with my life that require me to be single.  I do want to get married, but I am satisfied with where God has me at this time.  He has always taken care of and will always take care of me.  I don’t want to sit around and wait for the perfect guy to come along, I want to serve and obey God while I am waiting.  My family desires the best for me.  So they would rather me be single, than settle for something less than what is best. 

I am a very laid back person.  I am flexible and adaptable.  I am happy.  I would rather be laughing with a group of friends than be by myself.  Though I do enjoy being around people, I do need some alone time to just relax and think.  It takes a lot to get me mad, and not very much to get me to love.  I think it is easy for me to make friends on a surface level, but takes me a little longer to make friends on a deeper level.  I am good at getting others to get work done and encouraging them.  I believe I am discerning, but I have a problem with confrontation and would rather someone like me than confront them about something they do wrong.  I believe my spiritual gifts are discernment, teaching, and encouragement.  I have the ability to relate to people and meet them where they are.  I try not to get frustrated at people easily, but sometimes I get frustrated when people do not understand what I am trying to say.  I am a procrastinator sometimes and get the job done just in the nick of time.   

And that is my Brook story....


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